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Manual Reissue Guide

How to manually reissue a flight in Travelport / Galileo

Laura Bell avatar
Written by Laura Bell
Updated over a week ago


1. CHECK ALL Etickets linked in the PNR

  • Coupon Status

  • If this is a Published or Nett fare

  • Form Of Payment

  • Plating Carrier

  • If there any Tour Codes.

  • Extra ancillaries purchased eg. Bags

2. CHECK the Fare Rules

  • For all fare components

  • On all Fare Rule Chapters e.g penalties/advance purchase etc

  • Fare Type eg. Nett/ Charity / Route Deal

3. CHECK how the Airline wants their fee to be collected

4. Deciding how to proceed will depend on the following:

  • If the same booking class isn’t available, you will need to work out new fare and how much the additional collection will be.

  • If you are able to quote a fare against the new itinerary in the original PNR please quote and file the fare.

  • If completing a nil value schedule change you can store a historical fare

Fare Building from Scratch

You will need to Fare Build for the actual sector(s) you are reissuing.

To fare build from scratch, follow these steps:

  1. Enter FBCS/sectors building fare including airline e.g FBCCBA

  2. Enter FBUFB/fare basis.

  3. Enter FBUNVB/DateMonth&Year.

  4. Enter FBUNVA/DateMonth&Year.

  5. Enter FBUBG/weight or piece.

  6. Enter FBUFARE/Base Fare.

  7. Enter FBUEQ/Equivalent Sterling price.

  8. Enter FBUTAX1/change fee if collected as a tax or additional taxes e.g 60.00GB.

  9. Enter FBUTAX2/if more than one tax to add.

  10. Enter FBUROE/rate of exchange if applicable, to be taken from the new Dummy Fare.

  11. Enter FBUFC/Fare Calculation line.

  12. Enter FBUEB/endorsements.

  13. Enter FBUTTL/this will total up your build.

  14. Enter FBFALL/this will finalise your build

  • You can check how this looks at anytime using *FB

  • If the airline requires the airline change fee to be collected as an EMD, complete this afterwards


Before reissuing a ticket, you need to show the airline the original ticket you are exchanging your amended Booking/Filed Fare for.


For Nett Fares

  1. Suppress the fare - enter the Ticket Code as same in your new fare, e.g. IT or BT.

  2. Enter TMU1IT*PC.

  3. Enter Tourcode if there was one in the original fare TMU1TC123456.

  4. Add Commission - TMU1Z0

Continue the following entries for all reissue types;

  1. Enter TMU1FEX Old E-Ticket number.

  2. Check the details displayed are correct (fare/paid taxes).

  3. Tab to Form of Payment and enter NONREF.

  4. Tab to the last dot and enter.

  5. With no ADC, you should receive the following message: TICKET MODIFIERS UPDATED.

  6. When there is add coll on this next screen, there will be the total which should be the extra base fare amount.

  7. Tab to the first /F and type NONREF and press Enter straight after.

  8. Enter R.initial and ER.

For Manual Reissue from Filed Fare

  1. Store the fare for the sectors required.

  2. Go into the fare build using *FB1.

  3. Remove all of the paid taxes FBUTAX1/FBUTAX2 etc.

  4. Add any endorsements required by the airline FBUEB/sked chg KL174.

  5. Check all of the other parts of the fare are showing correctly and amend if necessary using entries for manual build from scratch.

  6. Enter FBUTTL/

  7. Enter FBFALL

  8. Follow the "Completing the Exchange" instructions.

Checking the Booking After the New Ticket is Reissued

To ensure that the new ticket has been reissued correctly, use the *HTE command to check the status of the old and new tickets.

Hints and Tips

If the original filed fare has disappeared from the booking we can do the following entry:

*HFF This will display the history of the Filed Fares and look like this

*HNT This will display the history of the nett fare. (Maybe more useful on a Part-Used Nett ticket)

You can also work out the original fare by Fare Calculation line

LON DL X/E/NYC DL PDX M218.78 DL X/E/NYC DL LON M218.78 NUC437.56END ROE0.651331

Multiply the NUC437.56 by the Rate Of Exchange ROE0.651331

This will give you a total of GBP284.99.

Round this amount up to GBP285.00.

Smartpoint Assisted Ticketing Courses and Materials are available on Ask Travelport.

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