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The billback process

How to use billback before and during your hotel stay

Hayley Marsden avatar
Written by Hayley Marsden
Updated over a week ago

This is the process to follow when you confirm a hotel booking payable via billback.

Booking confirmation 

When you or someone else completes your hotel booking:



  • Take the billback instruction with you to the hotel.

Hotel stay


  • At check-in, show your copy of the billback instruction to the receptionist. This includes a list of which items you are entitled to. 

  • Make sure the receptionist confirms payment for these items is by billback.

  • During your stay, charge these items to your hotel bill as normal.

Day of departure 

When you depart from the hotel


  • Visit the hotel’s check out desk so you can check out of the hotel.

  • When the hotel presents you with your account, check the account and sign to approve the charges.

  • Confirm that the items you are entitled to billback have been charged to the virtual card provided.

  • Pay for additional charges outside the scope of the billback instruction yourself. Settle these directly with the hotel on check out.

0121 368 1666

You or the hotel can call us 24 hours a day,
7 days a week, 365 days a year.

While we do everything we can to try and ensure billback works through our suppliers it is not completely risk proof and our strong recommendation is that travellers, especially if travelling outside of Europe and America, should also carry a credit card for their own protection.

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