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Problems signing in

Having trouble signing in to Click Travel? Here's what you can do:

Hayley Marsden avatar
Written by Hayley Marsden
Updated over 7 months ago

Are You on the Correct Sign-In Page?

First, make sure you're on the correct sign-in page. Click the link below and attempt to sign in:

Are You using the right sign-in method?

There are three methods of signing in to Click Travel. This article focuses primarily on trying to sign in using email address and password.

If you're having trouble signing in using Google or SSO, and have previously been able to sign in then please contact our online support team who will be happy to troubleshoot your SSO issues. Please note your IT department may be required to assist if the issue is identified as internal, the team will be able to provide contact details for your system administrator in this case.

Are you Entering the Correct Email Address and Password?

Double-check the spelling of your email address and password. Click the eye icon to display your password as you type.

Is There an Issue with Click Travel?

Check the Click Travel status board to ensure there are no ongoing issues with the service.

Is Access to Click Travel Blocked on Your End? (New Users)

If your organization is new to Click Travel, contact your IT team. Ask them to review the Domain whitelisting and email authentication article, along with the Supported web browsers and operating systems article to ensure all requirements are being met at your end.

Specifically, ask them to whitelist:

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Have You Been Invited to Use Click Travel? (New Users)

If you have not signed up yet, please contact your travel team. Provide them with your email address and ask them to send you an invitation to sign up.

If someone else books travel for you on Click Travel, you have a Click Travel profile already. However, you cannot sign in yourself until you activate your profile. Ask your travel team to send you the email invitation.

Click the link in the invitation email. Type in your email address and create a password or sign up with SSO if your company prefers this. Then try signing in.

Invitation to sign up

The invite email is sent from a No Reply email address. If you don't receive the invite, please check your spam/filters.

The invitation does not expire, so don't worry if you can't respond immediately.

Is It the Browser You Are Using?

If you're unable to sign in while others in your organisation can, you may need to adjust your browser settings:

  1. clear your browser's cache and cookies. Then try signing in again.

  2. Check the Supported web browsers and operating systems article to make sure we support the browser you are using to try and sign in.

  3. Make sure your browser has cookies enabled.

  4. Follow this link and make sure the page says Local storage is enabled . If it does not please contact your IT department and ask them to enable local storage for you.

  5. Install the latest version of your web browser.

  6.  If none of these steps work, try signing in with a different browser. 

Are You Still Not Able To Sign In?

If you are still unable to sign in, please contact us via our online messaging service:

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